How many homes are in the HOA?
There are currently 586 units annexed into The Rivers Community Association, with more homes being built that will be annexed into the Association.
How do I obtain my mailbox keys?
Mailbox keys for the residential “cluster” mailboxes are obtained from the local postal office at 900 Sacramento Avenue, West Sacramento, CA 95605. For homeowners or renters, the postal office will generally require a copy of the grant deed or tenant lease agreement and photo ID before a mailbox key may be provided.
Who do I contact regarding questions or concerns with the HOA?
Contact our property management company: Action Property Management. Please contact our management team’s Community Care Department at 800-400-2284 or via email at communitycare@actionlife.com for assistance. You may reach our property manager, Broasha, via email at therivers@actionlife.com.
Is The Rivers a Gated Community?
A portion of it is. The Rivers Community Association is comprised of homes inside a gated section as well as homes outside the gated section. Approximately half of the homes in the Rivers Community Association (HOA) are in a gated portion of the community, and about half are outside the gate. Of the approximately 500 units thus far annexed into the Association, there are 264 units located inside the gated community (which includes approximately 250 built homes, plus lots yet to be developed). All Association members have access to the entire community. Public pedestrian access is allowed in the common areas (but not the private parks in the Association) throughout the gated community from dusk to dawn.
The gated portion of the Association is not in a separate HOA. All Association members have pedestrian access to all amenities and common areas within the gated portion of the community.
Which homes make up The Rivers Community Association/HOA?
- 264 homes inside a gated community
- 58 condos in The Regatta Condominiums
- 35 homes on Lighthouse Drive
- 53 homes on Watercolor and Watercourse Lanes
- 202 new homes being built by Century Communities in the newest phase of The Rivers Community Association that will be annexed into the Association. Many homes have been completed and have been annexed into the Association, and some homes are currently being constructed.
What is the dues structure? How much are the HOA dues?
Since 2005, every homeowner in the Rivers Community Association pays the same monthly master dues assessment (“dues”), whether living inside or outside the gate, or whether living on one of the private parks in the gate, or in the levee homes. There is not a tiered dues structure. Homeowners outside the gate in the Regatta condominiums and on Watercolor and Watercourse Lanes, and in the new homes being built by Century Communities, and along Lighthouse Drive pay the same monthly master dues as homeowners living inside the gated community. Additionally, there are cost centers for things such as private streets, which covers the street maintenance/street paving for homeowners that live on the private streets, as these streets are not city maintained. A breakdown of dues and cost centers is available in the associations annual budget disclosure that is sent out annually in May.
All homeowners in the Association contribute equally toward the maintenance of essentially everything in the Association, including all expenses and maintenance of the private parks, ponds, the clubhouse and pools, fountains, common areas, and landscaping.
Regatta condominium owners pay the same Rivers monthly master assessment dues as everyone else in the Rivers Community Association. Regatta owners pay their condominium association dues as well as Rivers Community Association dues.
Dues / Monthly Assessment and Cost Centers
Monthly Dues: Master Assessment
The current monthly master assessment for the 2024-25 fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2024 is:
$244.00 per unit per month.
All members of the Rivers Community Association pay this same monthly master assessment amount. Association members who live outside the gated community pay the same as those living inside the gate. Additionally, there are cost centers for street paving, park fence painting, and levee service, listed below.
Street Cost Center
This cost center covers all expenses related to the Association’s ownership of the gated area and the lots served by the private streets (i.e., streets not maintained by the City of West Sacramento). This includes the areas of Watercolors and Watercourse.
Homes that pay into the Street Cost Center for The Rivers are:
- All homes inside the Gated Community
- Watercolor and Watercourse Lane homes (53 homes outside the gate)
The homes that do not pay into the Street Cost Center are the homes on Lighthouse Drive, which is a city-maintained public street, and the 200 new homes built by Century Communities, which are not on private streets and are on city-maintained public streets, and the Regatta Condominiums.
Current monthly assessments for the Street Cost Center are:
$61 per unit per month.
All gated community homeowners and all Watercolor and Watercourse Lane homeowners (outside the gated community) pay the same monthly amount into this cost center.
Levee Service Area Cost Center
This cost center/assessment only affects future homes to be built on the levee:
Original homes on River Crest Drive do not pay into this cost center.
Effective July 1, 2021, per an agreement with the developer, this levee service cost center was implemented to cover expenses for future levee streambed rip rap repairs. The original levee homes in The Rivers do not pay into this cost center. This cost center is a monthly assessment for 35 lots. Homeowners of these lots will pay into the levee service area cost center.
Current monthly assessments for the Levee Service Area Cost Center are:
$93 per unit per month (original levee homes do not pay into this cost center).
Park Fence Cost Center
Effective July 1, 2022, this cost center was implemented to cover part (50 percent) of the park fence painting and repair cost, to be paid by homeowners who live on Sutter and Westlake park, so that these homeowners now pay a portion (50 percent) of the cost to paint and repair their own fences along the park. (These fences are the metal fences along the perimeter of the parks, and which are the backyard fences of the homes that are on the park.)
This is essentially a savings account for the homeowners who live on the parks, and which is earmarked for a portion of their own fence painting and repairs.
The cost to paint and repairs the steel park fences is split 50/50 between the park homeowners and the rest of the Association members.
Current monthly assessments for the Park Fence Cost Center are:
$0.17 per linear foot, per unit, per month.
Alley Cost Center (for new Century homes)
Effective July 1, 2024, the alley-load homes being built by Century Communities will pay into an Alley Cost Center to cover maintenance of their alleys.
Current monthly assessments for the Alley Cost Center are:
$63 per unit per month.
How many people are on the HOA Board of Directors?
There are five (5) members on the Board of Directors for The Rivers Community Association.
Who can be on the Board?
Any qualified homeowner living in the Rivers Community Association, and in good standing with the Association, may be elected as a member on the Board of Directors. Board members serve as voluntary members on the Board, and they are elected by their fellow members and homeowners within the Association. Board terms are two (2) years. The qualifications to serve on the Board are:
- Must be an owner in the Association for at least one year.
- Must be current on their assessment payments.
- Cannot have joint ownership of a property in the Association with another Board member.
- Cannot have been convicted of a crime.
How often are Board elections held?
The Rivers Community Association Board elections are held annually. The Board members are appointed or elected at the Association’s annual meeting.
There are 5 members of the Board of Directors, with 3 Board members elected in odd-numbered years, and 2 Board members elected in even-numbered years – in other words, all 5 members’ terms don’t expire at the same time.
How the Number of Open Seats and the Election Works
- In even-numbered years, such as the year 2024, there are two (2) seats up for election for a 2-year term.
- In odd-numbered years, such as the year 2025, there are three (3) seats up for election for a 2-year term.
What do I need to know if I plan to rent my home?
Screening tenants before rental is essential, because the tenants must abide by the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. Non-compliance, disturbances, and disorderly conduct by tenants can result in a fine to the OWNER for their behavior. Preservation of the community, and harmony among residents, is the goal of any association. If a tenant violates this, the owner is expected to take the necessary measures to correct the situation.
Every owner should make sure that the tenant knows the Association rules and regulations. Homeowners should contact our Property Management Company to get details.
Tenants’ vehicles should be registered with the Association, which can be done through our Property Management Company.
Short-term Home Rental is Explicitly Prohibited
The Association’s CC&Rs prohibit the rental of homes for a period of less than 30 days. Using your home as a short-term rental such as via Airbnb is prohibited in The Rivers Community Association.